News & events


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Great News for Disability Rights Campaigner Joanne O’ Riordan

(14 Aug 2014)

Joanne O’Riordan, a disability rights campaigner, has secured a place studying criminology at University College Cork.

Invitation to Attend Information Sessions on New Directions Draft Interim Standards

(12 Aug 2014)

You are invited to attend an Information Session which will give details of the Draft Interim Standards that have been developed to support the delivery of the personal support services for people with disabilities contained in New Directions.

National Federation submission to the Government's 5 year Social Housing Strategy

(31 Jul 2014)

As housing is a key priority for the people supported by the member organisations of the National Federation, a submission was prepared and submitted to the consultation on a 5 year Social Housing Strategy, highlighting particular areas of concern that urgently need to be addressed in order for significant progress to be seen in rolling out the National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011-2016 and implementing the Time to Move On from Congregated Settings Report (HSE, 2011).

Minister O’Sullivan publishes Easy to Read Housing Strategy

(24 Oct 2013)

The Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan, T.D., today [24 October,2013] published an easy to read version of the Government’s National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011 - 2016. The document, was produced with the assistance of Inclusion Ireland and the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Providing Services to People with Intellectual Disabilities and is designed to support people with intellectual disabilities in accessing appropriate housing solutions.

Easy to read introduction to the referendum now available

(27 Sep 2013)

An easily accessible guide to the two referendums for those with intellectual disability has been produced for the first time following collaboration between the Referendum Commission, Down Syndrome Ireland and other disability groups including the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies

National Federation's Management Development Programme – Booking now open

(22 Nov 2012)

The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies has developed a comprehensive training programme for Front Line Managers in the intellectual disability sector. Four successful cycles of the programme have been run to date in the University of Limerick with very positive feedback from the programme participants. The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies is now running a further Front Line Managers Training Programme. The 10-day programme will commence in January 2013 and full details in relation to the programme, along with the booking form, are outlined in the brochure attached.

HSE Publishes Three Disability Care Group Reports

(29 Feb 2012)

The Health Service Executive has today published three Disability Care Group Reports that will assist with the strategic planning and implementation of the major change programme for disability services that is underway.

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