Pension Booklets & Forms

A full range of the Pension Scheme's member booklets / forms can be downloaded by clicking on the relevant booklet / form hereunder:

Member Pension Scheme Booklet 









Application form









Beneficiary / Expression of Wishes Form









Investment Fund Switch Form








Late Joiner for Group Life Medical Underwriting Questionnaire









Investment Guide







Personal Lifestyle Strategy - Flyer






Personal Lifestyle Strategy (PLS) Video - What is PLS and how does it work?


Approaching Retirement Booklet









Rewire Don't Retire Guide








Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure









National Federation's Salary Protection Booklet










National Federation's Salary Protection Application form








MyDoc Service is now available for members of the Salary Protection Scheme (SPS).  MyDoc is an easy, online healthcare service for SPS members, their spouse/partner and dependent family members living with SPS members.  Members of the SPS can now book free consultations, get prescriptions and sick certs, whenever and wherever they go!


Data Protection Notice (DPN) Booklet 



For further information on the Pension Scheme, please contact Maria McMahon Pension Scheme Manager, National Federation Secretariat, Oranmore Business Park, Oranmore, Galway or Telephone 091-792316

If you wish to discuss your pension fund and ensure it is on target to meet your retirement needs, you can engage with your Irish Life’s Advice Team Point of Contact for your organisation. 






© 2024 National Federation of Voluntary Service Providers
  • Oranmore Business Park Oranmore Galway Ireland.
  • Phone: +353 91 792316
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Website Last Updated: 11/07/2024 Web Design by Webtrade


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