National Federation Submissions

The following submissions were made to various Government Departments on behalf of the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies:


Submission on the Review of the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004 (March 2023)

Recruitment & Retention Crisis in Voluntary Intellectual Disability Service Providers (January 2023) 


Public Consultation on the proportionality of proposed legislative amendments to the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005 affecting Social Care Workers (December 2022)

Review of the Rental Accommodation Scheme - Public Consultation Submission Form (November 2022)

Feedback Form - Update of the 2017 Integrated Risk Management Policy (November 2022) 

Pre-Budget Submission 2023 (September 2022) 

Submission to the Department of Health Draft Regulations for Providers of Home-Support and Homecare (January 2022)

Public Consultation on the Freedom of Information Act (August 2022)

Submission to Department of Health  on Draft Regulations for Providers of Home Support Services:
Public Consultation Survey (August 2022) 

Key Considerations for Integrated Services and Supports (June 2022)

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Draft National Clinical Guideline - Consultation feedback form (January 2022)

Department of Health  - Draft Regulations for Providers of Home - Support and Homecare - Feedback from NFVSP members (January 2022)

Submission on the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Bill 2021: Draft General Scheme and Heads of Bill 24 (January 2022)

Submissions to the Decision Support Services in response to the Phase 1 consultation on the draft Codes of Practice under the Assisted Decision-Making Act (January 2022). 



Submission to HIQA - Draft Overarching National Standards for the Care and Support of Children using Health and Social Care Services (October 2021). 

Submission on the Draft Regulatory Standards issued by the Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority.

National Federation Submission on the Disability Action Plan Framework 2022-2025 (October 2021).

Submission on the HSE Draft National Tobacco Free Campus Policy

National Federation Submission to HIQA Draft National Standards for Home Support Services (October 2021).

National Federation Submission to HIQA - Fire Safety Handbook – A Guide for Providers and Staff of Designated Centres. 

Submission on the new  Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 

Submission on the Draft Initial State Report under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Submission to the Department of Justice on the Dying with Dignity Bill. 


Submission to Statement of Strategy 2021-2023

Submission on Review of the Child Care Act 1991 Consultation Paper 

Submission to Oireachtas Special Committee on Covid 19

Submission to the Law Reform Commission on ‘A Regulatory Framework for Adult Safeguarding’. 

Submission to the HSE on National Food Nutrition and Hydration Policy for Adults Accessing Disability Residential Care.


Draft Guidance on a Human Rights-Based Approach to Care and Support in Health and Social Care Settings (July 2019)

Submission to the HSE on National Framework for Medicines Management for Disability Services (July 2019)

Funding Crisis in Disability Services - Drivers and deficits in Intellectual Disability Services (June 2019) 

Submission - Call for Input (CFI) on Key Aspects to be included in a National Volunteering Strategy (Feb 2019)


Submission to CORU - Public Consultation on the Social Care Workers Draft Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics (November 2018)

Submission to the Department of Health - Questions & themes to be addressed in developing a national health sector adult safeguarding policy.

Oireachtas Disability Group pre Budget Submission 2019

Submission - NFVB Submission on  HIQA & MHC Draft National Standards for Adult Safeguarding.

Submission - NFVB Submission – Draft HSE Adult Safeguarding Policy 2018.

Submission - NFVB Submission to the Department of Education & Skills Career Guidance Review

Submission - HIQA ‘Draft National Infection Prevention & Control Standards for Community Services

Submission - National Quality Improvement Plan for Disability Services in Ireland 2018 – 2020 - HSE Disability Services Quality Improvement Team


Pre-Budget Submission 2018

Submission - National Federation of Voluntary Bodies response to the HSE’s Assisted Decision-Making Capacity Act 2015  “A Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals” May 2017

Submission - Review of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at risk of Abuse Policy

Submission to the Department of Health’s consultation on the future design and delivery of home care services.

Submission to the Department of Education and Skills’ Working Group on Nursing Support in Schools

Submission - Draft Code of Practice for Fire Safety in New & Existing Community Dwelling Houses 


Pre-Budget Submission 2017

National Federation response to call for consultation on the Strategy for Education and Skills 2016-2018


Submission to Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation University of Limerick Study on the Prevalence of Zero Hour Contracts and Low Hour Contracts in the Irish Economy (December 2015)

Feedback on the Draft HIQA Corporate Plan 2016-2018 (December 2015) 

National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Submission Áras Attracta Swinford Review Group Consultation Process (October 2015) 

Submission to the NDA on their Review of the implementation of the HIQA Standards and Regulations for Residential Services for Adults & Children with Disabilities  (June 2015)

The National Federation Response to The Health Information and Quality Authority Draft Guidance document on Medication Management for Service Providers  (May 2015)

National Federation Submission to HIQA on “What constitutes a designated centre for people with disabilities?” (January 2015)



Feedback to HIQA regarding Registration & Inspection of Residential Services for Children & Adults with Disabilities National Federation of Voluntary Bodies (December 2014)  

Submission to the Department of Justice by the Inclusive Research Network on Sexual Offences against Vulnerable Persons Position Paper 

National Federation of Voluntary Bodies – Submission on Draft Interim Standards for New Directions (October 2014) 

Submission to the Government's 5 Year Social Housing Strategy by the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies, July 2014.

National Federation of Voluntary Bodies  Submission on National Policy for the Safeguarding of Adults with a Disability from Abuse (March 2014)  



Submission to Health Information & Quality Authority on the Draft National Standards for Residential Centres for People with Disabilities.

Submission from Inclusive Research Members on the Draft National Standards for Residential Centres for People with Disabilities.

Submission to the Health Information & Quality Authority on the Draft National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children – For HSE Children and Family Service.

Submission to A Vision for Change Independent Monitoring Group.

Submission to Health Service Executive National Consent Advisory Group on the National Consent Policy

Submission to Law Reform Commission on the Sexual Offences Act Consultation Paper



Submission on Mental Health Commission Seclusion Physical Restraint

Submission on the Report of Disability Policy Review (Expert Reference
Group on Disability Policy 2011) to the Department of Health.



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