Statements and Press Releases

Launch of Review of current practices in the use of wardship for adults in Ireland

(19 Jan 2018)

Thursday January 18 2018: The National Safeguarding Committee has called for the urgent commencement of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, as a new report it publishes today finds the 19th century Wards of Court regime to be inadequate and archaic.

Five-year safeguarding strategy announced to protect vulnerable adults

(20 Dec 2016)

The National Safeguarding Committee has launched a Strategic Plan 2017-2021 to guide its work to safeguard vulnerable adults over the next five years. The Committee is a multi-agency and inter-sectoral body independently chaired by Patricia Rickard-Clarke, a solicitor and former Commissioner of the Law Reform Commission.

Minister Finian McGrath welcomes Government approval of €31m additional funding for disability services

(09 Jun 2016)

Minister Finian McGrath today welcomed additional funding of €28m which has been secured for disability services to address existing financial pressures arising from on-going service improvement.

HSE News Release - Further safeguards for vulnerable adults implemented

(18 Dec 2015)

The HSE have issued a press release - further safeguards for vulnerable adults have been implemented.

Seasamh Meeting with Carlow-Kilkenny By Election 2015 Candidates

(13 May 2015)

A Seasamh meeting was hosted by the Kingsriver Community on Tuesday 12th May, to invite the local Carlow-Kilkenny by election 2015 candidates. Organisations represented included many local organisations including SOS Kilkenny.

National Federation Statement on Aras Attracta Primetime investigates programme

(10 Dec 2014)

The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Providing Services to People with Intellectual Disability condemns the behaviours that were witnessed in the Aras Attracta Primetime Investigates programme on 9th December 2014.

The HSE has launched its Service Plan 2015.

(27 Nov 2014)

Following approval by the Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar TD, the HSE published its 2015 National Service Plan (NSP) on Thursday 27th November 2014.

National Federation welcomes HSE National Service Plan provisions in relation to disability

(18 Dec 2013)

The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Providing Services to Persons with Disabilities today welcomed the HSE’s National Service Plan 2014.

Minister for Disability announces a new scheme of registration and inspection of residential services for people with disabilities

(30 Oct 2013)

Minister of State with responsibility for Disability Kathleen Lynch TD, today (30 October) announced that from 1st November, there will be a new scheme of registration and inspection of residential services for people with disabilities which will be delivered by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA).

Minister Kathleen Lynch welcomes the work of the Next Steps Project

(01 Feb 2013)

Minister Kathleen Lynch welcomes the work of the Next Steps Project

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