(14 Oct 2020)

The National Federation of Voluntary Service Providers (NFVSP); the umbrella organisation representing 59 voluntary/not-for-profit service providers, who together support more than 26,000 people with intellectual disabilities and their families; welcomes the announcement of additional funding for disability services in Budget 2021.

The National Federation highlighted in its Pre-Budget Submission 2021 the importance of ‘making rights real’ for people with disabilities, through addressing the severe funding crisis and unmet needs. In response to Budget 2021 the Federation warmly welcomed the announcement of €20million to progress the Transforming Lives Programme and €100million for new disability services, as important steps in the context of upholding the rights of people with disabilities as required by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Speaking about the Budget 2021 announcements, Chairman Sean Abbott stated; “There has been a very welcome and significant focus on the needs of people with disabilities across Government and Opposition in recent weeks, and this renewed focus has ensured a greater understanding of the disability funding crisis”.

The National Federation indicated the need for further details on the funding allocated and noted that it is looking forward to engaging with all key stakeholders to discuss the details in the coming days.

Mr Abbott concluded; “The unmet needs that have arisen as a consequence of the disability funding crisis have built over many years, and therefore will not be resolved by funding allocated in a single year. Our pre-budget submission highlighted the need for a multi-annual approach to funding disability services. We hope and expect these funding announcements to be the first step in a multi-annual investment programme to address the long-standing needs of people with disabilities, their families, and the services that support them.”


NOTE to editors

The National Federation of Voluntary Service Providers Supporting People with Intellectual Disability is the national umbrella organisation of voluntary/non-statutory agencies who provide direct services to people with intellectual disability and autism in Ireland on the basis of service arrangements with the HSE.  Our 59 Member Organisations account for at least two-thirds of this country’s direct service provision to people with an intellectual disability and support 30,000 people and their families.

The services & supports provided to people with an intellectual disability are founded on the values as set out in the O’Brien (1987) Principles of Inclusion, Choice, Dignity, Respect, Participation and Contribution. They are rooted in the rights-based perspective that people with intellectual disability have the right to live full and active lives, and be active participating members of their own community.


Charitable Status: CHY14080    


Contact:  Dr Alison Harnett, Acting CEO

National Federation of Voluntary Service Providers


Twitter: @NatFedVolBodies


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