Children First – Tusla launch Support Documents

(18 Oct 2017)

Children First was formally launched by Minister Zappone on Monday, October 2nd, and she confirmed that the commencement of the final components of the Act will take place on 11th December with 3 months from that date, March, to reach full compliance.

Tusla has now launched a series of information documents to support the launch of the revised Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children and the commencement of remaining sections of the Children First Act 2015.

The documents launched by Tusla include the following:

  • A Guide for the Reporting of Child Protection and Welfare Concerns
  • Best Practice Principles for Organisations in Developing Children First Training Programmes
  • Guidance on Developing a Child Safeguarding Statement

These information documents can be accessed via the following link:  



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